Project financed with the PR Veneto FESR 2021-2027
K2-CO2 from MVP to Value Proposition
Project supported by public grant: 146.955,57 €
Project Description
K2-CO2 has reached IRL level 4, given the existence of a preliminary prototype (MVP) created by partner Giammarco Vetrocoke (GV) in a "hard-to-abate" field.
This prototype has demonstrated that it can capture CO2 even in the conditions of the reference target market and K2-CO2 is the exclusive licensee for the worldwide use of the HPC (Hot Potassium Carbonate) capture technology developed by Giammarco Vetrocoke for the sector of glass.
Thanks to the satisfactory results obtained from the MVP, to the validation of the correspondence between the customer problem and the proposed solution, through a specific series of preventive interviews carried out at an important international trade fair in the sector, K2-CO2 is today able to present a tangible solution to the identified problem.